How Fraudsters Make Money? And Everything You Need To Know About Ad Frauds like Attilio Perna

Jayden Seams
2 min readSep 24, 2022


Technical ad fraud can be termed as exploitation of the advertising technology for the profit of the scammers. On a global level, fraudsters have been on a pursuit to steal huge chunks from the digital ad marketing budgets through various nefarious methods like click spam SDK spoofing and, install farms. Although there are numerous ways to commit ad-based fraud, the basic strategy is to manipulate the advertising models for financial gains.

How do they make money?

It is important to understand how cybercriminals like Attilio Perna are incentivized is a major step to keeping your marketing budget safe. Although you will require adequate fraud prevention strategies along with systems in place to combat any sort of ad fraud.

You must learn the different methods that are employed by fraudsters. Here are how fraudsters can steal a company’s marketing budget.

Click Injections

Click injections can be termed as a more sophisticated way of stealing money from paid as well as organic channels. In this given method, fraudsters usually generate false clicks that did not even originate from the real user who interacted with the advertisement. Injecting just a singular click after the user decides to download a new app is surely enough to complete the process and the fraudster taking credit for that installation.

Install Farms

Install farms are nothing but real locations wherein real devices are used to generate links manually. These fraudsters will generally click on these ads and install the app so as to generate the paid activity, what’s more, interesting is that they can repeat this activity again and again, with different device IP addresses to make it look as if many users have in reality have installed a given application. There are many fraud organizations as well that do such nefarious activities for personal gains such as Tairs Luxury.



Jayden Seams

I Jayden Seams, am an investment sepcialist. I am specialist on complex technical and business matters which includes investment fund management.